United States Senator - Lamar Alexander
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“Be proud to say that we are all Americans." – Lamar Alexander

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Alexander Says Senate Should Take Up “Gang of 10” Proposals, Improve Them, and Make Them Law
Says Senate Should Act Immediately on Bipartisan Energy Proposal
August 1st, 2008 - WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) today issued the following statement after the bipartisan coalition of senators known informally as the “Gang of 10” unveiled an energy proposal to reduce gas prices, lessen our nation’s dependence on foreign oil, and strengthen America’s economy:

"These are the right ideas: plug-in cars and trucks, conservation and producing more American energy,” Alexander said. “And this is the right way to get a result. The Senate should take up these bipartisan recommendations as soon as we reconvene in September, improve them and make them law. Senator Corker has rendered a real service by his participation in this working group."

The bipartisan coalition is led by Senators Kent Conrad (D-ND) and Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) and includes Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), John Thune (R-S.D.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.), Mary Landrieu (D-La.), Johnny Isakson (R-Ga), Mark Pryor (D-Ark.), and Ben Nelson (D-Neb.).



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August 2008 Press Releases:
August 20, 2008 -  Alexander Honors the Courage of Governor Frank G. Clement
August 19, 2008 -  Alexander, Gordon, Wamp Kick-Off National Science and Technology Summit At Oak Ridge
August 16, 2008 -  Alexander Honors Memphis Lawyers Practicing Law in the “Grand Manner”
August 15, 2008 -  Alexander Says Tom Anderson Will Be a Fair-Minded, Experienced Federal Judge for West Tennessee
August 13, 2008 -  Alexander Discusses the Conflict in Georgia
August 12, 2008 -  Alexander Predicts 10 Percent of Rutherford County Commuters Will Be Driving Electric Cars and Trucks in 5 Years
August 12, 2008 -  Bipartisan Group of Senators Urge Electric Companies to Continue Clean Air Programs
August 11, 2008 -  Alexander Tells Jackson Trucking Company He Voted Against Congress Going Home Without Dealing With $4 Gas Prices
August 8, 2008 -  Alexander Says We Must Find Best Way to Address High Gas and Energy Costs
August 7, 2008 -  Alexander, Corker Recognize Tennessee Olympians
August 6, 2008 -  Alexander on NBC Nashville
August 6, 2008 -  Alexander Tells Nashville Food Bank He Voted Against Congress Going Home Without Dealing With $4 Gas Prices
August 5, 2008 -  Alexander Tells Knoxville Produce Company That Congress Shouldn’t Have Gone Home Without Dealing With $4 Per Gallon Gas Prices
August 5, 2008 -  Senator Alexander on NBC Knoxville
August 1, 2008 -  Alexander Cosponsors Bill to Ensure Americans Have a Safe Food Supply
August 1, 2008 -  current Press Release
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