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U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Washington State


Murray's Work

The Medi-Fair Act

Working with patients, providers and her colleagues in the House and Senate, Senator Murray has written a bill to address these problems.

The Medi-Fair Act:

  • Works to bring states up from the bottom - The legislation would ensure that every state receives at least the national average of per-patient spending. In 2000, Medicare spent $3,921 per patient in Washington state, while the national average was $5,490 per patient.

  • Doesn't Affect States Currently At the National Average - The bill does not affect states that currently receive the national average or just above the national average.

  • Promotes Efficient Health Care and Healthy Outcomes - States receiving inordinately high payments would be forced to improve the quality of their healthcare. Payments would be reduced to those states, which do not realize healthy outcomes, like extending life expectancy or reducing rates of diabetes or heart disease.

  • Is Better than Other proposals (FAIR Act, etc) - Unlike past proposals, the Medi-Fair Act addresses inequities in reimbursement rates by holding states accountable for the health care they provide.

Some proposals in the past have pitted one state against another. The MediFair Act would enable all states to receive adequate Medicare reimbursement rates.

Bill Text

Bill Status


Praise for Senator Murray's Bill

Murray's Bill Rights Medicare Inequity - "The proposal has the support of associations representing the state's doctors, hospitals and nurses. Good for Sen. Murray for seeking a solution."

- The Spokesman-Review - June 5, 2002


Murray's Medicare Plan a Step in Right Direction- "Sen. Patty Murray has the right intention . . . Whatever the politics obstacles to immediate action, the Murray initiative helps bring forward the issue of massive inequities in reimbursement. That's a step in the right direction"

- Everett Herald - June 4, 2002


"On behalf of physicians and our patients, the WSMA applauds Sen. Murray for her efforts to fix this disparity . . . We believe the MediFair Act is the only solution being put forth today that attempts to address the current discrepancies in the Medicare payment system. We look forward to working with Senator Murray and others to help ensure its passage. In the end, the real winners will be Medicare patients in our state."

- Dr. Sam Cullison, president of the Washington State
  Medical Association, May 28, 2002