On the Issues


Few issues have as direct an impact on as many people as does health care. Senator Levin has worked with many of his colleagues in the Senate in supporting legislation to make health care coverage affordable and accessible to all Americans. Examples of these measures are the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP); mental health parity; the Patients' Bill of Rights, which would assure that doctors, nurses and medical professionals � rather than insurance companies � make medical decisions for patients; legislation to allow Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices; and combating heroin addiction with a newly FDA-approved medication.

Combating Drug Addiction
Addiction to drugs is a dreadful plague on our society, and the goal of ridding society of the scourge of illegal drugs is worthy of our best efforts. more >

Congress has a unique opportunity to improve and modernize the Medicare program. more >

Prescription Drugs
While prescription drugs hold the promise of healthier lives for the American people, the high cost of those drugs puts them out of the reach of too many. more >

Reproductive Rights
While people of good will often have difficulty finding common ground on the issue of reproductive rights, Senator Levin respects the deeply held beliefs of those on both sides of the debate. more >


Senate Chamber



View the list of bills sponsored or co-sponsored by Senator Levin.
Legislation - View the list of bills sponsored or cosponsored by Senator Levin.


To learn more specific information about Senator Levin's work on a particular committee, select from the list below. more

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Task forces are working groups formed to address issues of particular concern. Senator Levin is a leader of four such task forces benefiting both Michigan and the nation. more

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