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110th Congress
McCarthy Reflects on Sixth Anniversary of 9/11
Authored By:
Nick Bouknight
(202) 225-2915

WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman McCarthy issued the following statement to pay tribute to the victims and reflect on our current efforts to defeat terrorist enemies that attacked us six years ago:

 “The tragic images of two hijacked American aircraft crashing into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 resonates with us once again as we observe the sixth anniversary today.  We remember where we were when we heard the news, and for many of us, we watched the television coverage in shock and sadness that morning. Throughout the day our emotions ran deep; we worried about loved ones and prayed for those that lost family and friends. We also eventually realized that some people not only wished to destroy our lives and values, but were willing to use whatever means possible to carry out a destructive ideology.

 “Our nation chose a course to not back down and we united. Like President Reagan’s strategy to win the Cold War, ‘we win and they lose.’ Our response against the Taliban regime moved the fight from American streets to a hostile regime that provided sanctuary and support for hate-filled terrorists.

 “Six years have passed, and we are still a nation fighting to protect our way of life from the same terrorist threats that killed thousands of innocent Americans on September 11, 2001. We know that al- Qaeda does not discriminate; they have attacked freedom loving people throughout the world – from the attacks in Madrid, Spain on March 11, 2003 to the attacks on British soil earlier this year. With the help of our friends throughout the world, we fight on.

 “In this global battle, our own brave men and women continue to perform brilliantly to protect our country and our friends. As many fight everyday against al-Qaeda in Iraq, we must never lose sight of the brave men and women in uniform that risk their lives on the front lines as they courageously fight.  We appreciate their sacrifice, and the sacrifice of their loved ones. We must continue to treat our servicemen, servicewomen, and our veterans with the respect and gratitude they deserve for their valiant bravery to protect our freedom.

 “We should not only look at 9/11 as a day of reflection, we must look at 9/11 as a stark reminder that we must stay vigilant, that we must stay proactive, and that we must remain committed to preventing another terrorist attack on our homeland.  On an every day level, we can do that by keeping aware of what is going on in and around our communities, and reporting anything out of the ordinary.  Various levels of government, from the Federal to local level, must continue to build up our homeland security through smart, efficient, and comprehensive investment and cooperation, and hold our elected officials (myself included) accountable to do so.

 “We fight for freedom because we remember 9/11. We are a compassionate country that rejects the evil of terrorism, and whose men and women sacrifice for freedom. The battlefield has broadened, but one constant remains: our democracy, our freedoms, and our way of life will not cower to acts and plots of terror and ruthlessness.  We will persevere. God bless our troops, and may God continue to bless America.”


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