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The Democratic Policy Committee (DPC) was established in January 1947, after President Truman signed legislation to create majority and minority party policy committees in the Senate. Since its creation sixty years ago, the DPC has served Senate Democrats by providing research and legislative support, developing policy proposals, publishing reports on important legislation and policy issues, tracking roll call votes, differentiating Democratic policy positions from Republican positions, and promoting Caucus unity and cohesion.

Majority Leader Reid and Chairman Dorgan have created a blueprint for the DPC in the 110th Congress that builds on its sixty-year tradition of excellence and innovation. In addition to services provided in the past, the following new activities will be performed by the DPC in this Congress:

  • provide support for Democratic oversight staff, including holding meetings to share information about ongoing investigations and publishing reports to highlight the oversight activities of the committees;

  • expand the New Idea Network, continuing to work with state and local government officials, think tanks, and policy experts around the country, and work closely with Senate staff and network members to develop new ideas that are targeted to specific subjects, legislation, and amendments;

  • organize a series of bipartisan summits in Washington, DC and around the country to discuss pressing national challenges; and

  • reach out to Democratic state legislators to share best practices and ideas about policy, strategy, and messaging.

For more information about the services available from the DPC, a detailed booklet is available here.

A brief history of the DPC is available here.

Sen. Byron L. Dorgan (D-North Dakota))
Chairman, DPC