Senator Tom Coburn's activity on the Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, and International Security

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Graft inquiry condemns World Bank


World News

September 13, 2007

Paul Volcker was not impressed by what he found at the World Bank

The World Bank has not taken corruption seriously enough and has resisted the efforts of anti-graft investigators, an official inquiry has found.

Paul Volcker, former head of the US Federal Reserve Bank, said his inquiry into the bank had revealed a "siege mentality" at the troubled institution.
He spoke of "ambivalence" in the way it viewed anti-corruption work.

Mr Volcker has assessed the World Bank in the wake of the forced resignation of its former president Paul Wolfowitz.

Lingering issue

Speaking to the press, Mr Volcker said the bank needed to address an ambivalent attitude "as to whether they really want an effective anti-corruption programme or not".

The bank's new president, Robert Zoellick, has pledged to continue Mr Wolfowitz's focus on corruption.

Mr Wolfowitz maintained that his efforts to impose anti-graft standards were the real motive behind the successful campaign to oust him from the bank's top job.

Mr Wolfowitz resigned over questions about his role in winning a pay and promotion package for his girlfriend.

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September 2007 News

Senator Tom Coburn's activity on the Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, and International Security

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