Energy Independence: Investing In A Secure Future

Democrat Caucus' Senate Journal

The Renewable Fuels, Consumer Protection, and Energy Efficiency Act of 2007

Democrats are committed to achieving greater energy independence - an issue this Administration and past Republican Congresses have failed to adequately address.

Democrats believe we must reduce our nation's dependence on foreign and unsustainable energy sources and curb the risks of global warming by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases.

In the coming weeks, we will move forward with bipartisan legislation that will increase the production of clean renewable fuels, improve energy efficiency, punish gas price gougers and support research on greenhouse gas capture and storage.

Biofuels for Energy Security and Transportation

Increases the amount of motor vehicle fuel, home heating fuel and boiler fuel made from renewable biomass.

Energy Efficiency Promotion

Increases energy efficiency for federal agencies and buildings. Sets national goals for reducing gasoline usage. Sets efficiency standards for light, for heating and cooling and waterusing products, residential boilers, and home appliances.

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Carbon Capture and Storage Research, Development and Demonstration

Promotes research and testing of carbon sequestration technologies.

Public Buildings Cost Reduction

Reduces by 20 percent the operating expense of federal buildings in five years through use of more energy-efficient lighting, heating and cooling technologies and practices.

Fuel Economy Standards

Creates a nationwide fleet fuel economy average of 35 mpg by 2020 for passenger cars and light trucks. After 2020, increases the average nationwide fleet fuel economy for passenger cars and light trucks by 4 percent each year.

Price Gouging

Gives the President the authority to declare a temporary national energy emergency which triggers a prohibition on price gouging punishable by federal penalties. Bans manipulative practices in the wholesale petroleum markets.

Energy Diplomacy and Security

Establishes strategic energy partnerships with the governments of major energy producers and major energy consumers, as well as petroleum crisis response mechanisms.