Legislative Search

To learn more about Senator Reed's legislative work, his votes, and speeches, please visit THOMAS - an online resource for legislative information.

The site includes details about legislation, floor statements, committee information, and links to various historical documents.

Here are some other helpful resources that may help you find the information you are looking for:

Congressional Record
A convenient summary of the day's congressional activity.

C-SPAN Congressional Votes Library
This Congressional vote search feature lets you search for votes by subject, member, or vote number.

Federal Spending Bills
Track the status of this year's federal spending bills.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Senate
The Senate Virtual Reference Desk compiled this list of FAQ's to help answer your questions.

How Our Laws Are Made
A comprehensive and scholarly look at how a bill becomes a law.

How to... find out about Congressional voting
A helpful overview of how to track Senate votes and follow the legislative process.

Legislative Branch Internet Resources
Links to Congressional information from official and non-official sources.

Recent Votes in the U.S. Senate
Track the most recent votes I cast in the U.S. Senate.

U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes
A database containing every vote I have cast in the U.S. Senate over the years.

U.S. Senate Glossary
Brief definitions of terms related to the Senate and the legislative process.