Democratic Caucus's Senate Journal

September 20, 2007

Local Politics Will Drive National Politics? Time for a Change of Course in Iraq

Today, in his press conference, President Bush said, “I also said in my speech, local politics will drive national politics. And I believe that.” Though he was referring to Iraq, the same should hold true here at home. The 2006 elections delivered a sharp rebuke to Bush over the war. Three hundred  towns, cities and states representing about fifty percent of the American people have passed resolutions against the Iraq War. President Bush should listen to his own rhetoric and work with Democrats to change course in Iraq.

Local politics here at home should drive a change of course in Iraq:

2006 Elections: A Rebuke to Bush and the Iraq War. “The political pendulum in American politics swung away from the right yesterday, putting an end to the 12-year Republican Revolution on Capitol Hill and delivering a sharp rebuke of President Bush and the Iraq war… The Democrats' return to power in at least one house and gains in the other mean Bush will almost certainly face powerful pressure to reassess his Iraq policy -- not just from Democrats but from within his own party. Even many Republicans hanging on last night emerged from a bruising election restive and looking for a fresh direction.” [Washington Post, 11/8/07]

300 Towns, Cities and States Representing About 50 Percent of U.S. Population Have Passed Resolutions Against the War in Iraq.  “John Cavanagh of the Institute for Policy Studies opened an event at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday. Cavanagh announced that with the recent addition of Santa Fe, N.M., a total of exactly 300 towns, cities, and states have passed resolutions against the occupation of Iraq. These governments, he said, represent about 50% of the people in the United States.” [Zmag, 8/2/07]

Public opinion also support a change of course in Iraq:

Most Americans Support Setting a Timetable to Withdraw U.S. Forces from Iraq. “A record 60% say the United States should set a timetable to withdraw forces ‘and stick to that timetable regardless of what is going on in Iraq.’” [USA Today, 9/9/07]

63 Percent Support Withdrawing U.S. Troops from Iraq. “And when asked what they think is the most acceptable outcome to the war in Iraq, 24 percent say that American troops should remain in Iraq until it becomes a stable democracy. Twenty-six percent want them to begin the process of leaving now, and 37 percent want them to leave within the next year — but still keep some of them in the region.” [NBC News, 9/12/07]


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America Speaks Out on the Iraq War

Today in the Senate
December 12, 2008:

The Senate stands in recess for pro forma sessions only, with no business conducted on the following days and times: Friday, December 12 at 10:00 a.m.; Tuesday, December 16 at 11:00 a.m.; Friday, December 19 at 10:00 a.m.; Tuesday, December 23 at 11:00 a.m.; Friday, December 26 at 11:00 a.m.; Tuesday, December 30 at 10:30 a.m.; and Friday, January 2 at 10:00 a.m.

At the close of the pro forma Session on January 2, 2009, the Senate will stand adjourned sine die.


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