Democratic Women for Change

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Welcome to the "Checklist for Change" website!

The Democratic women on the U.S. Senate have united behind an agenda for change. We believe it is time for a change in Washington: a change in tone and change in the level of commitment to addressing America’s priorities. That is what our "Checklist for Change" is all about.   We challenge President Bush and Congressional Republicans to partner with us during the remainder of the 110th Congress to make the issues on our checklist a reality for the American people. This is by no means a complete list of priorities, but they are challenges that Congress can meet right now, if the Bush Administration and Congressional Republicans will join us in our commitment to address these critical issues.

We invite you to join with us in the fight to bring about the change that the American people need and deserve.  I encourage you to explore this website and the extraordinary work of my colleagues. 

Each of us can make a difference, but together we can make change.


Senator Barbara A. Mikulski

Senator Barbara A. Mikulski, Dean of the Women Senators

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Senators give floor speeches on Checklist For Change.

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