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United States House of Representatives Radio-Television Correpondents' Gallery
United States House of Representatives Radio-Television Correspondents' Gallery podium in the Gallery
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Frequently Asked Questions

Are the Gallery studios open to the public?

No. The Gallery is open only to Members of Congress, congressional staff and the news media.

Can a Member book a press conference in the Gallery studios?

No. To be interviewed in any of the Gallery studios a Member must be invited by a broadcaster who guarantees to be present for the interview. The broadcaster will then book the studio time. Only Members of Congress may be interviewed in our studios.

Can a Member book a press conference at the "Cannon Terrace?"

Yes. But only if the Member will be participating in the event. The Member's staff needs to advise us of the date, time and subject matter. Non-Members may participate in the event. If the event is canceled, we request notification as early as possible.

Can the Gallery staff help with media at an event (hearing, photo op, stakeout, ceremonies, etc...)?

Yes. We can provide on-site assistance if cameras and reporters are expected to attend or offer advice for smaller events. We also can help coordinate with the Capitol Police.

Does the Gallery keep track of who is speaking on the floor, vote results and times individual members are speaking?

Yes. We can answer these questions from a computerized daily log of House proceedings. However, this information is exclusively compiled for broadcasters.

Does the Gallery maintain records detailing broadcast coverage of committee hearings?

Yes. We create and maintain records of committee hearing coverage requests. We do not maintain records of press conference coverage since they are almost always covered unilaterally.

Can the Gallery answer questions about where broadcasters may film within the Capitol complex?

Yes. We can answer these questions by referring to guidelines developed cooperatively by the House leadership and broadcasters. See Rules and Procedures for more details.

Does the Gallery maintain a tape library of House floor proceedings or news conferences?

The Gallery does not have access to programming tapes produced by any news organization or the House Recording Studio.  We are simply the coordinating office for those with news crews and equipment.

Is there any area near the House floor where members can be interviewed on camera?

Yes.  The Will Rogers statue area beside Statuary Hall.

About the Gallery