Resume Bank

last name:
first name:
phone numbers:
current position:
degree of proficiency (1-10)
Degrees Earned:
Party Affiliation:
State of Voter Registration:
What have you done in politics? For example, do you have any campaign experience:
Hill Experience:
Job/Opportunities interested in:
(Hold CTRL to select multiple)
Interested in Volunteering?:
Check which best describes your political views: Conservative Moderate Liberal Libertarian
Which three public figures hold political views most like your own?:
Which public policy organizations are advocating policies most like your own?:
States you have lived in and years residing in each:
Describe your computer and typing skills:
Desired Starting Salary:
List 2-4 with contact information (Capitol Hill / Campaign experience preferred)
You will be asked to email an electronic copy of your resume after clicking the 'Go' button

*In Morning Business, with Senators permitted to speak up to 10 minutes each.

*Following Morning Business, the Senate will resume the motion to proceed to H.R. 7005, the AMT bill (vehicle for the auto bill).
*Cloture has been filed on the motion to proceed to H.R. 7005, the AMT bill. Unless agreement is reached, the VOTE will occur Friday morning.