U.S. Senator Russ Feingold

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During the debate of the 1996 Telecommunications Act, I joined a number of my colleagues in opposing the deregulation of radio ownership rules because of concerns about the impact on consumers, artists, and local radio stations. Since its passage, the effects of the Telecommunications Act have been far worse than even I imagined.

The elimination of the national radio ownership caps and relaxation of local ownership caps in that legislation have triggered a wave of consolidation and caused harm to consumers, artists, concert goers, local radio station owners and promoters. This legislation did not simply raise the national ownership limits on radio stations – it eliminated them all together.

A diverse range of people are rightly concerned about the effects of concentration and consolidation in the radio and concert industries. Concert goers have told me about higher ticket prices. Broadcasters, artists, and others in Wisconsin and across the country have told me about reduced diversity and localism in the music industry. And local businesses have spoken about anti-competitive behaviors that have put them on an unfair playing field.

On November 18, 2005, I reintroduced S. 0258 , the Competition in Radio and Concert Industries Act of 2005, which I first introduced in June of 2002 and reintroduced in June of 2003. My bill would help restore competition to the radio and concert industry by putting independent radio stations and concert promoters on a more equal footing. This will help promote competition in the industry, enhance local input and diversity, and promote consumer choices.

Restoring Competition to the Radio and Concert Industry
Protecting the Bankruptcy System
Eliminating Mandatory Arbitration Clauses In Consumer Contracts

Related: Health Care - Making Prescription Drugs More Affordable for Seniors
Related: Statement - From the Senate Commerce Committee Hearing on Media Concentration

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