
senatorThank you for visiting my web site.

I appreciate hearing from you about matters impacting Rhode Island and the nation.

In order to better serve you, I have created an online form for questions, comments, and concerns.

If you have a question about where I stand on a particular issue or want information about legislation pending before Congress, please fill out the online form and I will do my best to answer your question and get you the information you need. You may also visit "Thomas," the Library of Congress' database of legislation, to learn more about bills I have sponsored.

Unfortunately, due to the large volume of mail my office receives, I am only able to respond to e-mail from Rhode Islanders but I welcome input from everyone.

If you are a Rhode Islander who needs help with a federal department or agency, please click here.

Thanks again. I look forward to hearing from you.

Signature: Jack Reed

E-Mail Jack Now!

Call: (401) 943-3100
Fax: (401) 464-6837
Write: The Honorable Jack Reed
1000 Chapel View Boulevard, Suite 290
Cranston, RI 02920