U.S. Senator Russ Feingold

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Wisconsin’s wide variety of wildlife has been important to our state’s strong outdoors tradition. We need to care for our state’s wildlife for future generations of Wisconsinites. To protect endangered wildlife and their habitats, Congress must fully support our nation’s endangered species program that has protected and recovered threatened plants and animals. Furthermore, we must fully fund the State Wildlife Grants that are crucial to conserve and sustain the wildlife important to Wisconsinites’ enjoyment of the great outdoors. Finally, we have to combat the invasive species that destroy Wisconsin’s forests and disturb entire ecosystems by displacing native species.

I have been particularly active in supporting Wisconsin’s role as a habitat and refuge for several species of cranes. With Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), I introduced the Crane Conservation Act to promote conservation of crane species within Africa, Asia, Europe and North America through a specialized grant program.


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