U.S. Senator Russ Feingold

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I have called for an end to the current congressional pay raise system, which automatically raises congressional pay with little public accountability. Under current law, members of the House and Senate receive an automatic pay raise unless Congress acts to stop it. For the last three Congresses, I have introduced legislation to end this automatic "cost-of-living adjustment" for Members of Congress.

Most recently, on October 18, 2005 I was pleased to join Republican Senator Jon Kyl in offering an amendment to the Treasury Transportation Appropriations bill to stop the congressional pay raise that went into effect in January of 2006. While we were successful in passing our amendment, the provision was opposed by House Leadership and removed from the final version of that measure.

The automatic pay raise for members of Congress is inappropriate. As every working American knows, it is an unusual thing to have the power to raise your own pay. Few people have that ability.  Congress should exercise that power openly, subject to regular procedures that include debate, amendment, and a vote on the record.

In my own case, throughout my 6-year term, I accept only the rate of pay that Senators received on the date on which I was sworn in as a Senator. I return to the Treasury any additional income Senators get, whether from a cost-of-living adjustment or a pay raise we vote for ourselves. I don't take a raise until my bosses, the people of Wisconsin, give me one at the ballot box.

Enforcing Budget Discipline
Ending Automatic Pay Raise for Members of Congress
Reducing the Number of Political Appointees
Reducing Irrigation Subsidies to Large Agribusinesses
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