U.S. Senator Russ Feingold

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Since I was first elected to the Senate in 1992, I have worked to bring Wisconsin's historic tradition of fiscal responsibility to Congress, where wasteful spending too often dominates the budget process. Congress owes it to taxpayers to be a careful steward of their tax dollars.

For starters, given our current federal deficit, Congress should follow the pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) budget rule and cut down on earmarks to restore fiscal discipline.

I have led the effort to reinstate the common-sense PAYGO budget rule, which requires that any new spending or new tax cuts be paid for, so as not to make the budget deficit even worse. This essential budget rule was allowed to expire a few years ago, and the result has been disastrous. Budget deficits have returned, and the total debt has mushroomed.

I was pleased that under the new Democratic leadership that took over in 2007, PAYGO was restored. This is a long-overdue first step toward returning to the fiscally responsible policies that were instrumental in reducing annual budget deficits during the 1990s, leading eventually to a balanced budget.

Another way to provide greater discipline to the budget process is to cut back on unauthorized earmarks, which have skyrocketed in number over the last decade. Earmarks are unauthorized spending that get slipped into spending bills and avoid the scrutiny of the regular committee process. I worked hard to get a comprehensive Senate ethics reform bill signed into law in September 2007; that legislation requires greater disclosure of earmarks to the public on a searchable Internet database.

In April 2007, I also joined Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) to introduce a line-item veto bill to target wasteful earmarks, improve congressional accountability, and deter lawmakers from inserting pet spending projects into future bills.

Enforcing Budget Discipline
Ending Automatic Pay Raise for Members of Congress
Reducing the Number of Political Appointees
Reducing Irrigation Subsidies to Large Agribusinesses
Military Base Closings

Related: Environment - Environmental Protection Through Deficit Reduction
Related: Seniors - Protecting Social Security
Related: National Security - Defense Spending

Deficit Reduction Main


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