U.S. Senator Russ Feingold

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Fact Sheet - Community-Based Health Care Retraining Bill

February 15, 2007

Senator Russ Feingold has introduced the Community-Based Health Care Retraining Act to help displaced workers retrain for jobs in the health care sector. The Community-Based Health Care Retraining Act would amend the Workforce Investment Act to help communities create programs that would retrain displaced workers and prepare them for high-demand health care jobs if a community has both significant manufacturing or service sector job losses and shortages in the health care professions.

The Feingold legislation would:

  • Authorize a demonstration project to help qualifying communities to retrain interested workers who have been displaced from the manufacturing or service sectors for jobs in the health care professions.

  • Provide a total of $25 million for demonstration grants for qualifying community partnerships, led by local workforce development boards, to provide this crucial training.

Communities would have flexibility in how they use the demonstration grants, based on their specific needs. Possible uses include creating or increasing capacity at educational and training centers by, for example:

  • Expanding facilities

  • Expanding course offerings

  • Hiring faculty

  • Providing assistance with student loan repayment for faculty

  • Assisting with establishing/expanding clinical educational components

  • Purchasing additional equipment, such as computers and books

And/or providing student support services, including:

  • Providing tuition assistance

  • Establishing/expanding distance education

  • Providing transportation assistance for students

  • Providing child care for students with families

This bill authorizes $25 million for the pilot project and is offset by administrative funds from either DOL or HHS.