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Rep. Gillibrand Sponsors 9/11 Commission Bill | Print |

Freshman Rep. Wastes No Time - Meets with 911 Commission Members

January 8, 2007

Washington, DC– Today, newly elected Congresswoman Kirsten Gillibrand met with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 911 Commission Members Lee Hamilton and Tim Roemer, Homeland Security Chair Bennie Thompson and Appropriations Chairman David Obey to discuss the Implementing the 9/11 Commission Recommendations Act of 2007 (H.R. 1). Hamilton and Roemer met with the members of Congress to discuss the security legislation based on their commission's recommendations and to provide their endorsement of its passage into law.

Making enactment of the 911 Commission's recommendations a centerpiece of her campaign, Rep. Gillibrand has been tapped by the Speaker of the House to play a pivotal role in securing its passage.

"This legislation is an important step towards keeping America safe by requiring key investments in port security, airline security and communications infrastructure for our first responders," said Rep. Gillibrand, a member of the influential Armed Services Committee. "In addition to making America safer this bill ties funding to risk assessment - meaning New York State will receive more money than before to protect our families."

The legislation will provide for the implementation of the 9/11 Commission's recommendations remaining after the enactment of the Intelligence Reform bill in 2004. The bill also goes beyond the Commission's recommendations by requiring, within five years, 100% scanning of U.S.-bound shipping containers.

The bill is expected to come to the floor of the House of Representative on Tuesday where Rep. Gillibrand will join other leaders in making the case to the public and Congress for its passage.

By implementing the Commission's recommendations, this bill will make Americans safer by enhancing homeland security, strengthening efforts to stop the proliferation of WMD, and promoting strategies to reduce the appeal of extremism.

Gillibrand added, "Our top priority as Members of Congress should be to secure the homeland and work to prevent terrorist attacks. The fact that this is the first bill of the 110th Congress shows that we are serious about security."

Key provisions below:

Significantly increase the share of state homeland security grants provided on the basis of risk. This means a big increase for New York State.
  • Creates a stand-alone grant program for interoperable communications for first responders.
  • Phases in a requirement of 100% inspection of air cargo over the next 3 years.
  • Quickly accelerates the installation of in-line explosive detection systems for checked baggage.
  • Mandates a strategic plan for deployment of explosive detection equipment at passenger checkpoints.
  • Phases in a requirement of 100% scanning of U.S.-bound shipping containers over the next 5 years.
This bill also includes a number of provisions to prevent terrorists from acquiring WMD, including:
  • Improving U.S. non-proliferation program, and creating a U.S. Coordinator for the Prevention of WMD Proliferation and Terrorism and a blue-ribbon commission to recommend further reforms.
  • Strengthening efforts to eliminate nuclear black-market networks.
This bill also includes several provisions on strategies to reduce the appeal of extremism, including:
  • Enhancing the International Arab and Muslim Youth Opportunity Fund, which provides assistance for expanding modern educational programs for Arab and other Muslim youth around the world.
  • Providing for the establishment of a Middle East Foundation, to promote economic opportunities, education reform, human rights, and democratic processes in the countries of the Middle East.

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