U.S. Senator Russ Feingold

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Post-9/11 National Security Policy
A Four Part Speech Series from U.S. Senator Russ Feingold

In a series of four speeches, Senator Feingold explores how the United States can conduct a post 9-11 national security policy in our interconnected and interdependent world that strengthens our long term security and advances the interests, values, and aspirations of the American people. Feingold argues that the United States should broaden its efforts to counter the greatest immediate threat to our national security – al Qaeda and affiliated extremists – by enhancing public and private citizen diplomacy, strengthening information gathering, redirecting a mistaken focus away from Iraq, investing in civilian aspects of national security, building stronger domestic security infrastructure, and working consistently to strengthen the rule of law around the world. The result is a national security vision that is rooted in historic American principles and that uses all aspects of American power to advance our country’s security.

Domestic Infrastructure Gaps Post 9/11

September 26, 2008
Congressional Record

Here at home, we continue to have critical gaps in our domestic security, in our infrastructure, in our first responder systems. We still have not deployed an effective system to prevent the smuggling of radiological materials through our ports. We have not done everything we can to secure chemical facilities that could be the source of materials for domestic car bombs like the ones we have seen cause so much damage in Baghdad. We have not fully implemented the command system needed to ensure that first responders know how to work together across federal, state and local government ... Read More

Promoting Democracy, Development and Diplomacy: U.S. Interests and Values

September 15, 2008
Georgetown University

I want to focus today on the importance of democracy and the rule of law -- the rules, the procedures and the institutions that underpin fairness, human dignity and opportunity, here in our country and throughout the world. These principles and processes -- and the institutions that safeguard them -- reflect and protect our core national values, self-image and aspirations. As such, they should underpin our diplomacy and our development assistance as we support others in their search for a meaningful voice in the decisions that affect them ... Read More

Confronting Foreign Intelligence and Information Gaps

June 23, 2008
New American Foundation

Ultimately, the gaps that left us exposed here at home to the catastrophic attack we experienced on 9/11 remain with us. They present us with very real risks that are being left unaddressed, in part, because of our military presence in Iraq. The longer we remain in Iraq, the longer we will be unable to devote the human and financial resources these challenges urgently need ... Read More and Watch the Video

Reaching Out to the World - Public and Private Diplomacy for the 21st Century

March 24, 2008
University of Wisconsin, Madison

The extremists who threaten us rally their followers by drawing an ugly caricature – if not an outright false portrait – of America. Sadly, they are able to succeed, in part, because not enough people abroad really know us personally – know our interests, values and aspirations as Americans.As I have often reflected on this in the years since 9/11, I have felt an increasing urgency for us to reach out to the world to make these interests, values and aspirations evident –with a human face – because at their root, many of them are the common interests and aspirations of humanity. Our nation must be engaged in this common cause ... Read More