U.S. Senator Russ Feingold

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The events of September 11 galvanized our country and our allies in a global fight against terrorism and those who would shelter, support, and finance those who carried out these acts. These horrific events also brought into sharp focus that the threats of the 21st century are far different from the threats of the last century. U.S. and international security are now threatened by transfers of nuclear, conventional and non-conventional materials among numerous states and non-state actors such as terrorist organizations.

It is now more important that the U.S. be vigilant and work with the international community to prevent nuclear prolifieration. As a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, I closely monitor U.S. relations around the world and examine legislation regarding U.S. trade and foreign aid. I believe U.S. support to foreign countries should reflect our priorities in the global fight against terrorism and human rights.

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