U.S. Senator Russ Feingold

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Supporting Armed Forces | Defense Spending | National Missile Defense | Nuclear Non-Proliferation | Civil Support Teams | First Responders | Safer Skies

The events of September 11, 2001, reshaped the debate over how we will defend the United States, including the debate over the proposed national missile defense system. I believe that the United States should deploy an adequate defense against a potential missile attack. Given the missile technology advances in countries like China, North Korea, and Iran, it is imperative that we create a system to ward off this threat.

I do, however, have serious concerns about the implementation of a national missile defense system. We must be assured that this system will be cost-effective as well as able to provide real protection against the threat from rogue states before a decision to deploy it is made. Thus far such assurances are not forthcoming and this unproven system has cost American taxpayers over $100 billion since 1983.

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