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Helping the Middle-Class Get Ahead

Ask most Americans, and they will tell you that higher taxes are just one more thing making it difficult for them to save for retirement or a rainy day. Protecting America’s working families and providing for the middle-class is a top priority for me and must be one for this Congress. That is why I recently introduced the Lampson Middle-Class Tax Relief Package—six important bills that provide valuable tax relief for America’s working families and small businesses. 
Texans are among the millions of Americans finding it more and more difficult to get ahead or even make ends meet. Working families must not be neglected any longer. As a fiscally conservative member of the Blue Dog Coalition, I have promised to restore fairness to our tax code beginning with tax relief for middle-class families who are the backbone of our economy.
My tax relief legislation provides permanent tax exemptions for middle-class Americans and includes specific reforms for teachers and our brave men and women in uniform. My proposals assist families trying to balance rising energy and health care costs, while putting money away for retirement.
The Middle-Class Investor Tax Relief Act opens the door for middle-class individuals and families to work toward financial stability and secure their financial futures. It does so by increasing the number of families which will be exempt from capital gains tax, and eliminating the capital gains tax on individuals who make under $100,000 per year.
My America’s Heroes Tax Relief Act ensures that our troops can withdrawal from their retirement plans without penalties, enabling veterans in Texas and elsewhere to make alternative investments for their financial security. This country owes a tremendous debt to those who have worn the uniform, and this legislation helps honor our commitment to America’s soldiers.
Another group whose service should be honored is our teachers. Currently, America’s teachers spend an average of $458 out of pocket on classroom supplies without ever getting reimbursed.  The America’s Teachers Tax Relief Act would allow elementary and secondary school teachers to deduct out of pocket classroom expenses from their taxes.
I also want to make sure that the working families in Texas aren’t being taxed twice. Last month in Texas, state sales tax net collections deposited to general revenue totaled $1.859 billion. The State Sales Tax Equity Relief Act will make permanent a current provision that allows taxpayers to deduct state and local general sales tax from their federal income tax. 
My Charitable Tax Relief Act encourages all Americans to participate in philanthropic efforts by permitting taxpayers to deduct charitable gifts. In 2006, gifts from individuals totaled $222.89 billion or 76 percent of all contributed dollars.
Finally, the Lampson Middle-Class Tax Relief Package proposes several energy tax-related provisions through the Smart Energy Tax Relief Act. Texas has been America’s leader in energy, and I want to continue this tradition by offering tax credits to companies developing new energy technologies.  In addition, this bill extends the tax credit for energy efficient appliances, promoting cutting-edge technology for countless products that are used by working families every day. 
I will continue to fight to provide tax relief to America’s families, as part of my promise to Texas residents to address the growing concerns over health care, education and competitiveness in the global marketplace. By taking this approach, we will begin to restore economic security and prosperity to millions of middle-class families who have been left behind. 
A recent Wall Street Journal/NBC poll showed two-thirds of Americans believe the economy is either in recession or will be shortly. In fact, the same poll indicated that the American people strongly believe the Democrats will do a better job of reducing the record deficits of the Bush Administration, controlling government spending, dealing with the economy and most importantly – dealing with taxes.
The simple truth is that the status quo is not working for an overwhelming majority of Americans. I am hopeful that at the end of the day, my tax relief package will bring fair and equitable relief to 90 million tax payers while promoting economic growth and eliminating loopholes in our tax laws. I want to make our tax system work for middle-class families, instead of against them.
Working families in Texas deserve a break from their tax burden. Right now the middle-class is finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet and almost impossible to get ahead. The Lampson Middle-Class Tax Relief Package takes steps to ensure that the promise of the American Dream is available for millions of Texans.