U.S. Senator Russ Feingold

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I am concerned about members of Congress and other high government officials going to work as lobbyists when they leave office. I have fought to reduce or eliminate the “revolving door” between government and private sector service.

The Honest Leadership and Open Government Act increases the “cooling off period,” during which restrictions on the activities of former members of Congress apply, from one to two years. It also expands the prohibition that applies to senior staff members who become lobbyists. Rather than having to refrain from lobbying just their former employing senator or committee, staffers-turned-lobbyists may not lobby the entire Senate during their one year cooling off period. Members-turned-lobbyists are also prohibited from having access to the Senate or House floor or other congressional perks. And senators’ staff members are prohibited from having any official contact with senators’ spouses or family members who are registered lobbyists.

Gift Ban
Revolving Door

Related: Deficit Reduction - Congressional Pay Raise
Related: Campaign Finance Reform

Government Reform Main


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