U.S. Senator Russ Feingold

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Fact Sheet From U.S. Senator Russ Feingold
The Honest Leadership and Open Government Act

July 31, 2007

The Honest Leadership and Open Government Act, which the House and Senate will vote on this week, is landmark lobbying and ethics reform legislation. It includes many provisions that were contained in or are based on Sen. Feingold’s original bill, which was introduced in July 2005 (S. 1398), and/or the bill introduced by Senators Feingold and Obama in January 2007 (S. 230).

Banning Lobbyists’ Gifts and Curbing Privately Funded Travel

  • Prohibits lobbyists and organizations that retain or employ lobbyists from giving gifts to Senators or staff. Includes exceptions for family members and personal friends, campaign contributions and informational materials.

  • Requires Senators, Senate campaigns, and presidential campaigns to reimburse for the use of corporate jets at the charter rate rather than the first class airfare as is now required.

  • Limits privately funded travel paid for by groups that lobby to one-day events with minimal lobbyist involvement. Only organizations that do not employ or retain lobbyists can pay for multi-day trips. Pre-approval by the Ethics Committee for all privately funded travel is required and all travel reports will be publicly disclosed on the Internet.

  • Prohibits lobbyists and entities that retain or employ lobbyists from throwing lavish parties honoring members at the party conventions.

Slowing the Revolving Door

  • Increases the cooling-off period for Senators and very senior executive branch personnel from one to two years.

  • Expands the ban on former senior Senate staff making lobbying contacts to cover contacts with the entire Senate, rather than just with the staff’s employing office as under current law.

  • Requires lobbyists to disclose on their lobbying registrations previous employment within the past 20 years with the executive or legislative branch, rather than only such employment within two years prior to acting as a lobbyist.

  • Prohibits Members from engaging in negotiations for future employment as a lobbyist until after their replacement has been named. Requires senior staff to disclose negotiations for any future employment to the Ethics Committee and obtain guidance on avoiding possible conflicts of interest.

  • Provides that floor privileges, gym membership, and members-only parking shall not be available to former Senators who are registered lobbyists.

  • Prohibits the staff of a Senator from having any official contact with that Senator’s spouse or family members who are registered lobbyists.

Improving Lobbying Disclosure

  • Requires lobbying disclosure reports to be filed quarterly rather than semi-annually, and requires electronic filing and Internet searchable databases to improve public accessibility.

  • Requires disclosure of members of lobbying coalitions.

  • Requires lobbyists to disclose political contributions they make and donations to presidential libraries, inaugural committees, charities associated with, and events to honor Members of Congress.

  • Requires electronic filing lobbying disclosure reports.

Strengthening Open Government in the Senate

  • Eliminates secret holds.

  • Requires conference reports to be available on the Internet for Senators and the public at least 48 hours prior to their being considered in the Senate.

  • Provides a point of order against “out of scope matters” in a conference report that were in neither the House or Senate versions of a bill. 60 votes are required to waive this point of order.