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Rep. Allen speaks in opposition to fast track trade agreements
The current Administration’s trade agreements have contributed to the loss of tens of thousands of jobs in Maine. Rep. Allen stands for trade policies that secure workers’ rights, promote job stability, and protect our health and our environment. That is why he voted against the flawed trade pact with Peru and opposes the Administration's deals with Colombia, Panama, and South Korea.

Rep. Allen voted against “fast track” in 2002, and opposes its renewal. Fast track allows the President to bypass Congress while negotiating agreements, and prevents Congress from amending the accords. Rep. Allen is working with his colleagues to stop harmful agreements and rework our model for trade. He understands that Congress now has an opportunity to change past practices that have hurt many Americans, particularly in Maine.

While the current Administration has frozen or cut programs that assist workers during economic downturns, Rep. Allen has strongly supported investments in education and job training that create a skilled workforce and assist workers affected by trade. He supports the expansion of Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) to workers in the service sector, and the expansion of health tax credits for workers affected by trade.


H.R. 782, the Fair Currency Act
Rep. Allen is a cosponsor of H.R. 782, the Fair Currency Act of 2007, a bill to protect Americans from unfair competition from countries which artificially inflate the value of their currency to make their goods cheaper relative to American goods. There is growing concern that China has manipulated its currency in this way.

H.R. 1992, the Decent Working Conditions and Fair Competition Act
Rep. Allen is also a cosponsor of H.R. 1992, the Decent Working Conditions and Fair Competition Act, which would help stop sweatshop labor worldwide. Sweatshop conditions not only hurt workers in developing countries, but they place American workers at an unfair disadvantage in the world market.

H.Res. 587, Expressing the sense of the House of the Representatives that legislation to renew or grant fast track trade negotiating authority should not be considered by the House of Representatives in the 110th Congress.
Rep. Allen is an original cosponsor of this resolution which conveys that no legislation should be considered during the 110th Congress to give fast track powers back to the President.

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