Supporting the Middle Class PDF Print
The Middle class faces challenges, especially in a struggling economy.  The price of gasoline and food is on the rise.  Health care costs continue to be burdens on American families, with too many people either uninsured or underinsured.  Our schools do not always prepare our children for the future.  For many people, taxes remain too burdensome.  The crisis in our financial markets and institutions has made life unpredictable and unstable for many people.

I believe that our government should work to strengthen the middle class, not hurt it.  Too often in the past, government's policies have not lived up to its commitment to the middle class.  In Congress, I will work to ensure that we are working for middle class families and not for the special interests.

By working together and across party lines, I think we can pass legislation that truly does help American families.  I believe that if we keep taxes low, improve health care for all Americans, work to create a sound and long-lasting energy policy, and continue to invest in education, then we can strengthen the middle class.

To find out more about my views and legislation that I have voted on, I urge you to view the following issue pages:

Lowering Gas Prices and Increasing Energy Independence
Fiscal Responsibility
Improving Health Care