Thursday June 12, 2008

Washington, DC -- Congressman Bob Latta (R-Bowling Green) was recently invited to join the House Energy Action Team (H.E.A.T) which is a group of House Republican members dedicated to working towards common sense domestic energy policies.

Republican Whip Roy Blunt (R-MO), leader of the House Energy Action Team, made the following statement welcoming Congressman Latta to H.E.A.T. 

“Bob Latta hasn’t been in Washington long, but he’s already proven himself to be a valuable resource on energy issues -- and a tireless fighter on behalf of folks in northwest Ohio battered by spiraling fuel costs. Because of that, I was happy to extend Bob an invitation to serve on our exclusive House Energy Action Team, and I was grateful that he accepted it. The American people expect and deserve an energy policy that takes genuine steps to reduce the price of gas – all while lessening our dependence on foreign, unstable countries for essential energy. Bob Latta understands that as well as anyone, and I look forward to working with him to help make sure everyone else does as well.”

“I am excited to begin my work on the House Energy Action Team, and I want to thank Whip Blunt for the opportunity to serve with him and the other members of H.E.A.T on this important task force.  Energy is the lifeline for our nation’s economy and as prices continue to skyrocket, Congress must act in a timely and effective manner to lower energy prices.  The time to act is now, and my colleagues on the House Energy Action Team have common-sense plans to lower our dependency on Middle Eastern oil while increasing domestic exploration and production.  These actions, combined with a continued investment in alternative energy and energy conservation are the key to our nation’s future energy policy.  I look forward to advancing our Republican agenda to accomplish the goals of H.E.A.T,” Latta added. 


Congressman Robert Latta was elected in a special election in 2007 to serve the Ohio 5th District.  He is a member of the House Committee on Agriculture and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.  Congressman Latta previously served as a member of the Ohio General Assembly and Wood County Commissioner.

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