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Widow to collect money owed to wrongly convicted soldier

The Associated Press

October 23, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. - The widow of a World War II veteran will find justice six-decades after her husband was wrongly convicted of a crime, sent to prison and dishonorably discharged from the Army.


Samuel Snow, a Florida man who is now deceased, was sent to prison after a 1944 riot that led to the hanging death of a prisoner of war. On Thursday, Snow's widow and son will meet with Sen. Bill Nelson to receive back pay for Snow's imprisonment _ a check for $28,305.


Last October, the Army admitted their mistake in convicting Snow and sent him a check for $725.


Nelson filed legislation forcing the military to award interest on back pay owed to Snow and others in the same position.


In July, the Army awarded Snow an honorable discharge and public apology. He died the next day.
