For Immediate Release: September 23, 2008

Sutton Leads Passage of Great Lakes Compact Through House of Representatives

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, the House of Representatives passed S. J. Res. 45, the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact by a margin of 390 to 25. Congresswoman Betty Sutton (D-OH) led floor debate on the measure, which will prevent unnecessary diversions of water from the Great Lakes, protecting this precious resource. As a Member of the Judiciary Committee, Congresswoman Sutton has played a leading role in steering the Compact through Congress and is an original co-sponsor of the legislation. The Compact now goes to President George W. Bush who has committed to sign it.

"This is a victory for the people of Ohio and the entire Great Lakes region. Lake Erie and the other Great Lakes are vital to our local economy and provide fresh water and recreational opportunities for families across the region. By consenting to this Compact, Congress has ensured that the Great Lakes will be protected and that their water will not be carelessly diverted. Communities will now be able to enjoy and utilize these great bodies of water for generations to come. I want to thank Chairman Conyers, Chairman Oberstar and Ohio Governor Ted Strickland for their leadership in passing this crucial measure," said Congresswoman Sutton.

Click here to view Congresswoman Sutton's floor statement on the Compact.

Contact: Erin Donar at 202-225-3401 or