Press Release

Klein Nabs Top Subcommittee Assignments on Financial Services Committee

Klein Named Vice-Chair of Middle East Subcommittee on Foreign Affairs


Washington, DC -- U.S. Rep. Ron Klein (FL-22) was appointed by the House Leadership Wednesday to serve on three subcommittees on the House Financial Services Committee.

Klein will serve on the Capital Markets, Insurance and Government Sponsored Enterprises Subcommittee, which has oversight responsibility for the entire insurance industry and for a number of government-sponsored enterprises. This Committee is also responsible for overseeing U.S. policy in the capital markets and for ensuring the transparency and integrity of those markets.

Klein was also appointed to serve on the Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit subcommittee, which has oversight of the U.S. banking industry, including over 22,000 banks, thrifts, and credit unions nationwide.

Finally, Klein was also appointed to the Oversight Subcommittee.  This committee has authority to hold hearings and investigate anything under the jurisdiction of the entire Financial Services Committee. 

Klein specifically requested these three subcommittee assignments because of the benefits they will bring to South Florida.

“On the Capital Markets Subcommittee, promoting the federal role in reforming homeowners insurance will be a top priority.  I intend on being a common sense voice for Florida families on this subcommittee as we seek a bipartisan solution to the insurance crisis.  Skyrocketing insurance rates affect all Floridians regardless of party affiliation and residents are rightfully demanding action.

“In addition, I’m looking forward to serving on the Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit subcommittee. South Florida has a large number of banks and lending institutions, and I look forward to promoting a healthy and growing economy in South Florida by working with borrowers and lenders.

“Finally, I look forward to serving on the Oversight Subcommittee.  I am heartened that this new Congress will not shy away form their oversight responsibilities.  Whether it be investigating the aftermath of Katrina, or holding insurance companies accountable, I will stand up for Florida’s families in Congress.  I am proud to have this important platform to do so.”

The House Financial Services Committee oversees the entire financial services industry, including insurance, securities, banking and housing. The Committee has oversight of the Security and Exchange Commission, Federal Reserve and U.S. Department of Treasury, among other regulatory bodies. Congressman Klein serves on the Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance and Government Sponsored Enterprises and the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit.

It was also announced Tuesday that Congressman Ron Klein will be the Vice-Chair of the Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia as part of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. 

“To receive this honor as a new member of Congress is a rare and unique opportunity. I look forward to providing leadership on Middle East Policy in Congress. In Congress I will fight to restore the credibility of the United States abroad and strengthen our partnership with our sister democracy, Israel.

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