Press Release

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Klein Reacts to Bush's State of the Union Address

{January 20, 2007}

Washington, DC -- U.S. Rep. Ron Klein (FL-22) issued the following statement regarding President Bush’s State of the Union Address tonight.

“While I was disappointed with many of the policies President Bush set forth tonight, I look forward to working with the President on solutions that will improve the lives of Florida families and families across America.

“I am glad President Bush chose to focus part of his speech tonight on the need to increase health care access to the forty-six million Americans who lack have health insurance. However, it appears that his health insurance plan would raise taxes on the middle class, who should not have to shoulder this burden. We must find a solution to our health care crisis, but not on the backs of our middle class families.

“I hope President Bush will keep the promise he made tonight to encourage the further development of alternative fuel sources, but we need action, not rhetoric. President Bush declared last year that America is “addicted to oil,” yet one week later, he cut funding in his annual budget that supported the development of alternative fuels and technologies needed to make America energy independent.  During my years in the Florida State Legislature, I long advocated the need for us to become energy independent. This is absolutely imperative to current and future security of our nation, our environment, and our new economy.

“And finally, when it comes to the situation in Iraq, President Bush made it clear tonight that he’s not budging on his decision to send 20,000 more troops to Iraq. I strongly oppose his decision -- along with many military experts, Republicans and Democrats in Congress, and the American people. Unfortunately President Bush has missed an opportunity to listen to the American people once again on this critical matter. I will continue to be a strong advocate for a strategic withdrawl from Iraq.

“However, let me make it clear that I will do all I can to ensure that every single person in uniform serving overseas has the supplies and equipment they need to get the job done, and the services they need when they come home.

“I may not agree with everything President Bush put forward tonight, but I do believe in getting America back on the right track. And getting us back on track requires bipartisanship. In the weeks and months ahead, I look forward to having an open and honest discussion about the problems that we face today, so that we can find common ground that is in the best interests of the American people.”

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