Press Release

Congressional Taskforce Against Anti-Semitism Calls for an End to Intimidation of Venezuelan Jewish Community


December 4, 2007

Washington, DC -- Rep. Ron Klein (FL-22) and Rep. Mike Pence (IN-06), Chairs of the Congressional Taskforce Against Anti-Semitism, released the following statement after Venezuelan police authorities raided a Jewish Community Center in Caracas, Venezuela, La Hebraica, in search of weapons and explosives:

"We are appalled by the recent raid of the Jewish Community Center in Caracas, Venezuela on the eve of Chavez’s failed referendum.  This raid was clearly an act of intimidation intended to convince the Jewish community to not vote against the referendum.  There is no basis for suspicion of disloyalty in the Jewish community of Caracas.

"Intimidation like this is how systemic anti-Semitism starts, and we call on the government of Venezuela to ensure that these tactics cease and do not escalate."

Re-established in 2007, the Congressional Taskforce Against Anti-Semitism is Congress' voice of opposition to anti-Semitism, both in America and abroad.

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