Sponsored Legislation

Legislation that Congressman Dean Heller has authored.

Co-Sponsored Legislation

Legislation that Congressman Dean Heller has co-authored.

Committee Hearings

A list of the Committee Hearings in the U.S. House of Representatives

Committee Reports

Congress divides its work among over two hundred committees, each of which issues regular reports on its activities.

Congressional Record

The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the U.S. Congress.

Currently on the floor

Current House Floor Proceedings

House Rules & Precedents

Rules and Precedents of the House

How Our Laws Are Made

This brochure is intended to provide a basic outline of the numerous steps of our federal lawmaking process from the source of an idea for a legislative proposal through its publication as a statute. The legislative process is a matter about which every person should be well informed in order to understand and appreciate the work of Congress.

Roll Call Votes

A roll call vote guarantees that every Member's vote is recorded, but only a minority of bills receive a roll call vote.

The House this Week

Whip Notice

U.S. Code

The Office of the Law Revision Counsel prepares and publishes the United States Code, which is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States.

Weekly House Program

The happenings on the House Floor by week.