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Currently in Congress
View current House proceedings and access legislative calendars and daily updates. 
Currently on the House Floor
Current House Proceedings Provided by the Clerk: You can see up to the minute text summaries of floor procedures when the House of Representatives is in session. If you are watching House floor proceedings live on CSPAN, use your web browser's "refresh" function periodically. Updates will appear in reverse chronological order.
Live Video Footage Provided by C-SPAN: Watch actual House proceedings live on your home, office or classroom computer via C-SPAN's website.
Vote Information: Search Roll Call Votes and legislation provided by the Clerk of the House

Current Legislative Schedules
The Majority Whip and the Minority Whip publish a schedule of legislation the House intends to consider for the current week. This document is refered to as a "Whip Notice."
Republican Whip: Historical Republican Whip information.
Democratic Whip: Historical Democratic Whip information. 

Other Congressional Schedules and Information
House Committees: News releases, hearing schedules and transcripts, oversight plans for the 19 standing committees and the other joint and select committees.
Senate Legislative Calendar: The Senate homepage contains information on its current floor schedule. Additionally, in the Legislation and Records section, you can access information about recent senate legislative activity and votes.

Floor Statements and Proceedings
The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. It is published daily when Congress is in session. It includes speeches and statements made in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives by all members.