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Online Safety Resources

The Internet is an extremely valuable to for our children. However, it can also be very dangerous. These same technologies leave our children vulnerable to exploitation by online predators. According to a recent study by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, approximately one in every seven youth between the ages of 10 and 17 is sexually solicited over the Internet.

As a father of three daughters, I know most parents are very concerned about keeping their children safe from online predators. This page is designed to provide you with the resources and information you need to fight back and keep your family safe. Here you will find helpful tips, resources, links and other information to prevent online child exploitation.

This website compiles helpful tips from the federal government and technology industry to help prevent online child exploitation, guard against internet fraud, and protect your identity online.

GetNetwise is a project created by the Internet Education Foundation (IEF) to ensure parents have the resources they need to make informed decisions about their family's use of the Internet.

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children is a nonprofit organization dedicated to preventing and assisting the victims of child abduction and child exploitation. The organization's website serves as a clearinghouse of useful information for the prevention of online child exploitation.

Safe Surf is working to create an Internet Rating Standard to allow web browsers to detect the content of a website before displaying it.

Representing Indiana's 9th Congressional District