Fiscal Responsibility

Oklahoma taxpayers remember what some in Washington have forgotten - our government has a spending problem, not a revenue problem.  As your representative, I will continue to support legislation that balances the budget without raising taxes.

Our economy has been strong, spurred by economic policies, like the tax cuts, that have created economic growth.  That is why I will continue to support lower taxes and entitlement reform.  The ballooning costs of entitlement spending threaten the economic security of our children and grandchildren -- we must act before it's too late.

While we tackle our current budget deficit, we must also resist the urge to burden American workers with even higher tax rates.  Taxpayers have lived up to their end of the bargain; now it's time for Congress to do the same.  That is why I will continue to support smart spending and fight against any legislation that proposes additional tax burdens.

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Securing the safety of our roads and bridges
Making healthcare more affordable
Reducing gas prices
Balancing the budget
Fighting the Global War on Terror
Ending illegal immigration
Strengthening our economy