[Congressman Jim Saxton - News Release]
DATE: {June 25, 2004}
(609) 261-5801

Barnegat Bay Area Funds
Added to Budget

LBI, Inlet Dredging Funds in 2005 Bill


WASHINGTON, D.C. - Nearly $3 million for Barnegat Inlet and Long Beach Island (LBI) has been added to the 2005 budget, U.S. Congressman Jim Saxton said today.

The House of Representatives passed the 2005 Energy and Water Appropriations Act this afternoon in a 370-16 votes. The bill includes $1 million for the beach replenishment project on LBI in 2005, short of the $8 million needed to start construction, Saxton said.

"I'm pleased that this funding has been added to the budget," Saxton said. "It has a direct, positive impact on Ocean County. But I am disappointed we could not get more funding. I plan to continue to work for additional funding for the LBI project."

Funding of $1 million is in the 2005 bill for construction of the LBI project, which will provide beach replenishment from Barnegat Inlet to Little Egg Harbor. This is in addition to the $1 million approved by Congress last fall for 2004. Unfortunately, the project needs $8 million to $15 million for the first phase. The LBI project is in the final stages of the permit approval process, after which the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will prepare to put the project out to bid.

"We now have $2 million toward the first stage of construction, but it is insufficient," he said. "I will continue to work for more funding. Unfortunately, we are in a tight fiscal situation. The federal government is engaged in the War on Terrorism, and those costs put constraints on the budget."

Additionally, $1.59 million was added for dredging maintenance of Barnegat Inlet and $300,000 for a beach replenishment project from Barnegat Inlet to Manasquan Inlet. Also added was $100,000 for an environmental restoration study for the New Jersey Intracoastal Waterway. The budget also contains $256,000 for a long-term alternative beach study for researching new ways to protect beaches.

The pre-engineering and design work and permitting process for the LBI project has been underway since 1993 and is expected to be completed in 2004. Congress has spent over $3.3 million to engineer and design the LBI project.

"I was standing on LBI last September as Hurricane Isabel was bearing down on LBI before it veered northwest and missed the island," Saxton said. "The whole island was braced for the worst. I felt as if we'd dodged a bullet. We were lucky last year. But one year a powerful storm will land a direct hit on LBI. I only hope the LBI project will be completed and in place when that storm comes."

Saxton said dredging and beach replenishment funds are not a luxury for shore areas. They are directly tied to the multi-billion tourism economy.

"This funding is critical to safe navigation in an inlet that is shallow and has a history of shoaling along the channel," Saxton said. "The beach replenishment funding is also important because it keeps our beaches healthy and seeks a permanent solution to the annual threats of erosion to our barrier islands."
