[Congressman Jim Saxton - News Release]
DATE: {September 16, 2003}
(609) 261-5801

Isabel Approaches; LBI Vulnerable

Saxton meets w/ key House appropriator today in bid to win construction dollars


WASHINGTON, D.C. - Citing the threat of the powerful Hurricane Isabel as it moves closer to the East Coast and the Jersey Shore, Congressman Jim Saxton said today that the federal project to bolster beaches on the northern end of Long Beach Island (LBI) must be funded so that construction can start on schedule next year.

 Due to eroding beaches, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has spent 10 years developing a plan to shore up battered beaches. Following a series of unusually powerful Northeaster storms in the early 1990s, severe damage and beach erosion has plagued the narrow barrier island. Saxton has worked for more than $3 million over the past 10 years to fund the plan, which he helped authorize in 2001.

 "The comprehensive LBI beach replenishment project Congress authorized in 2001 is the only feasible protection against storms," Saxton said. "My plan is to continue to seek funding in Washington while local officials complete outstanding details of the project with the Army Corps of Engineers."

Saxton said officials must move as quickly as possible to advance the project, which will build a berm of sand and dunes 17 miles long and 125-feet wide. Such a berm will offer the best protection to the LBI communities, and would be periodically maintained as needed over 50 years. USACE  needs to get construction funding in FY2004 or FY2005 to keep the project on track.

"If we get caught with the wrong hurricane at the wrong time, we will face absolutely devastating losses on LBI," Saxton said. "The threat to lives, homes and businesses is real- too real. Isabel is a stark reminder of the threat LBI faces."

Currently, there is $100,000 in the proposed 2004 House budget, but only for preconstruction work. Saxton is working to obtain $1 million in construction funding. He met today with Congressman David Hobson of Ohio, who is chairman of the House Energy and Water Development Appropriation Subcommittee to discuss the critical state of LBI beaches. House and Senate appropriators, including Hobson, will hold a conference on the 2004 Energy and Water bill this fall.

"It was a good meeting," Saxton said. "I showed the Chairman photographs taken this summer of the widespread beach erosion and damage. Some photos depicted homes that could be washed away in the event of a major storm like Isabel. He said he would do what he could to help us in the conference."

Funding has been delayed by a policy of House appropriators and of the current and previous administrations not to fund new construction starts.
