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Border Security, No Amnesty, Employer Enforcement

May 2007

Our Position: Porous borders pose a grave threat to our national security and to the economic stability of cities and towns across America. Until we secure the border and effectively enforce the immigration laws on the books, illegal immigration will continue running rampant.

     Heritage Foundation: “America's immigration system must be a national strength and not a strategic vulnerability… An uncontrolled immigration system encourages the circumvention of immigration laws and is a clear invitation to those who wish to take advantage of our openness to cause this nation harm.” (5/10/07)

    Congressional Research Service: “According to the [9/11] Commission, up to 15 of the hijackers could have been intercepted or deported through more diligent enforcement of immigration laws.” (CRS Report RL32616, 10/18/2007) 

     Associated Press: “Mexican druglords are taking over the business of smuggling migrants into the United States, using them as human decoys to divert authorities from billions of dollars in cocaine shipments across the same border.” (AP 5/01/2007)

Blanket amnesty is not the answer.  Amnesty rewards illegal behavior and passes on huge public costs to the American people, who are already struggling with taxes, record gas prices, and rising tuition costs.

     National Review: “At a cost of $22,449 per household per year -- well, multiply that by an adult lifespan of 50 years and you have an average lifetime cost to the taxpayer of $1.1 million per unskilled worker. Increase that population with a wave of unskilled immigrants, and you're talking a lot of money.” (4/10/07)

     Washington Times Editorial: “Over the course of their lifetimes, these people will utilize $2.5 trillion more in government services than they will pay in taxes.” (5/21/07)

Tackling illegal immigration requires enforcement. Employers who break the law by employing illegal workers must be held accountable.  We must also provide businesses with the ability to simply and effectively verify the immigration status of employees.

     The Economist: “In 2004 the total number of employers fined $5,000 or more for [employing illegals] was zero – not much of a deterrent.” (4/14/2007)

    National Review: “From 2002 through 2004, worksite arrests catered from a paltry high of 485 (compared to 17,554 in 1997) to an incredible 159. Yes, that's 159 aliens out of an illegal immigrant population so large it cannot precisely be fixed between expert estimates of 11 and 20 million -- meaning, if you were an illegal-alien, you'd have about as good a chance of winning the lottery as being arrested for working in violation of the immigration laws.” (3/05/07)