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Congresswoman Lucile Roybal-Allard, Representing California's 34th District
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May 16, 2006) Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-34) welcomes L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and members of the L.A. Area Chamber at a press conference to kick-off the chamber’s annual “Access D.C.” visit this week to Capitol Hill. This year's Access D.C. trip includes more than 70 business leaders from across the L.A. region, grouped into six policy teams, to meet with over 50 elected officials and policymakers. During the four-day event, business leaders will lobby on policy issues including: transportation; energy, environment and water; international trade; health care; education and workforce development; and entertainment. In addition to numerous private office meetings with Members of Congress, chamber visitors are also scheduled to join Members at a bipartisan luncheon on Wednesday co-hosted by Congresswoman Roybal-Allard and Congressman David Dreier.