U.S. Congressman Steve Chabot 1st District of Ohio

Visiting Washington

My office is here to serve the constituents of Ohio's First Congressional District. We offer a variety of services that I hope you find helpful. If you do not find the information you are looking for listed on my internet site, please do not hesitate to write or call my Cincinnati office.

Memorials, Museums, and Tours
Tour Request Form
Visitor Information
Map of the National Mall
Metrorail Map

United States Capitol
Thank you for your interest in visiting Washington, D.C. This on-line brochure lists some of the historic and cultural attractions in the D.C. area. If you have any questions regarding any of these attractions, or if you
need additional information, please call my
Washington or Cincinnati office.

In addition, my office will be happy to assist in trying to obtain Congressional tours of the historic and cultural attractions, and help answer any questions that you may have regarding your upcoming trip. Congressional
passes for White House tours are available for groups of ten or more and are given out under a lottery system. While we are not assured of getting these tickets, we can put in a request on your behalf.

When you're in Washington, please feel free to stop by my office in room 129 of the Cannon House Office Building. Enjoy your trip. I look forward to seeing you.

Steve Chabot

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