Press Releases

Davis Helps Introduce Innovative Abortion Reduction Proposal April 26, 2005

-- U.S. Rep. Lincoln Davis, along with fellow Pro-Life Democratic Members of the House of Representatives, introduced the 95-10 Initiative at the Democratic National Committee Headquarters in Washington, D.C. The comprehensive proposal of 15 different policy programs would reduce the number of abortions in America by 95 percent over the next ten years by providing pregnant women with support, information, and viable alternatives to abortion.

"The '95-10 Initiative' is a clear indication that the Pro-Life Democrats in the House of Representatives, in conjunction with the Democrats for Life of America, are firmly committed to ending the practice of abortion in America," said Davis. "By looking into the different reasons that women choose abortions, rather than just politicizing the issue, we have been able to come up with a comprehensive and commonsense initiative that will empower women and encourage them to choose life. I strongly urge my Republican colleagues in the House to join the Pro-Life Democrats in this mission so that we can reduce the number of abortions in American by 95 percent in the next ten years."

Women often choose to have an abortion because of pressure from family members and friends, financial concerns, and health issues. The 95-10 initiative seeks to alleviate these pressures through various measures including, among others: repealing the sunset on adoption tax credits and making them permanent, provide adoption referral information at pregnancy and women's health centers, and fully fund the Special Nutrition for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program.

One of the 15 proposals also calls for expanding coverage to pregnant women through Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and to newborns through the first full year of life. Highlighting the need to empower women, this proposal calls for banning the discriminatory practices against pregnant women in the health insurance industry by removing pregnancy from all "pre-existing condition" lists in health care.

"This legitimate initiative provides the kind of support, information, and options that should be readily available to pregnant women in any society that truly believes in the sanctity of life. Congress can and should act immediately to implement the 95-10 initiative," said Davis.

Legislation implementing the 95-10 Initiative will be introduced in the next few weeks.

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