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For Immediate Release
August 7, 2007
Capps Praises Passage of Responsible Energy Bill
House Bill Works to End Our Addition to Fossil Fuels, Promotes Efficiency, Alternative Energy Sources; Caps Off a Successful Legislative Session

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman Lois Capps praised the passage of the House’s responsible energy bill, The New Direction for Energy Independence, National Security, and Consumer Protection Act (H.R. 3221).  This bill stands in sharp contrast to energy bills passed by earlier Republican Congresses which rewarded Big Oil with huge tax cuts and focused on a ‘drill only approach’ to meeting our energy needs.  The legislation makes significant progress in ending our country’s fossil fuel addiction by reducing demand, increasing efficiency, and encouraging alternative and renewable energy sources. It requires that utilities produce 15% of their electricity from renewable sources like wind and solar by 2020 and encourages efficient energy use with stronger appliance and green building standards, promotes smart grid technology and plug-in hybrids, and creates green collar jobs.  The legislation also creates a comprehensive framework to address negative impacts of global warming on our wildlife, public lands, oceans, and coasts. 

“The Democratic Congress continues to deliver on a new direction for our country, pushing for progress on America’s priorities like protecting children’s healthcare, lowering the cost of higher education, protecting our environment and ending the war in Iraq,” said Capps.  “The passage of the House energy bill capped off a string of Democratic successes in the weeks leading up to the August district work period.  I look forward to working with the Senate to strengthen some aspects of the legislation in September, but overall I think this is a very positive step.”
Congresswoman Lois Capps’ statement on The New Direction for Energy Independence, National Security, and Consumer Protection Act (H.R. 3221):   
Congresswoman Lois Capps
The New Direction for Energy Independence, National Security, and Consumer Protection Act
August 3, 2007
Madame Speaker, as a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee and the Natural Resources Committee, I rise in strong support of H.R. 3221, The New Direction for Energy Independence, National Security, and Consumer Protection Act.
Today, our economy relies on fossil fuels for energy and we simply must change that. Even President Bush admits we’re “addicted to oil” and that this addiction is harming our country. The best way to beat this addiction is to stop using so much oil and gas by reducing demand, promoting renewables and alternative fuels, and encouraging smarter technologies.
Focusing more attention on the potential of clean energy is something that I and others on this side of the aisle have been advocating for years. And since America is not exactly awash in oil and gas, reducing our dependence on them would be good not only for our environment, but for our economy and our national security as well. 
But, to be honest, we have to do more than talk about the potential that clean and safe energy has for this country. We have to provide the mechanisms to bring these energy sources to market and make changes in energy policy to encourage their use. And that’s exactly what H.R. 3221 does.
It encourages the efficient use of energy by creating new and stronger appliance and green building standards, and it promotes smart grid technology and plug-in hybrids. It also takes important steps toward restoring sound stewardship to the management of our public lands by ensuring responsible domestic energy development.  And it creates a comprehensive framework to help address the negative impacts of global warming on our wildlife, public lands, oceans, and coasts.
While I greatly appreciate the hard work that has gone into crafting this legislation, I look forward to the House doing more. Like increasing fuel economy standards for cars and trucks, increasing the use of homegrown renewables like wind and solar by requiring more electricity come from these resources, and adopting a national policy to deal with global warming.
Madame Speaker, the American people want real, meaningful solutions to our nation’s energy challenges. The leadership in the last Congress was driven by a futile desire to drill our way to energy independence. It attempted to do that by lavishing huge tax breaks on Big Oil and neglecting efforts to reduce demand and encourage clean energy. 
This bill delivers on the Democratic majority’s promise of a new energy future. It will strengthen national security, promote economic growth and create jobs, lower energy prices and begin to combat the serious threat of global warming. I urge all my colleagues to support this legislation because it will pave the way to a cleaner and more sustainable energy future.
I yield back.

Pictured above: (center) Congresswoman Capps meets with Central Coast firefighters to discuss emergency preparedness.

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