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Congressman John T. Salazar -- Defending Rural Values -- Third District of Colorado
For immediate release: March 14, 2008
Contact: (202) 225-4761
Eric Wortman, Communications Director

Salazar Statement on FISA



WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Representative John Salazar issued the following statement today in response to the House of Representatives passing the FISA Amendments Act by a vote of 213 to 197. 
“We must give our law enforcement officials the tools they need to effectively fight the war on terror while preserving the freedoms and liberties guaranteed to us by our Constitution and which make us a great nation. 
“I believe the bill approved by the House strikes a proper balance between these two goals.  It will permit the surveillance required to track terrorists, but will prevent unnecessary intrusions into the personal lives of American citizens. 
“This is a good bill, and I call upon President Bush to stop the fear mongering and work with Congress to complete the FISA modernization as quickly as possible.”


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