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January 10, 2007
Statement Supporting HR 2 Increase the Minimum Wage
Washington, DC - Madam Speaker, I rise today to support this extremely important legislation for America’s workers.
The last ten years we have seen these tired old republican arguments against increasing the minimum wage while the highest paid in our country have seen huge wealth increases.
We have not raised the minimum wage since 1997.  When adjusted for inflation, the minimum wage is the lowest it’s been in 50 years.   That’s 10 years of wasted opportunity.
A minimum wage earner working full-time makes only $10,700 a year.   This is well below the poverty threshold for a family of three.
We need to provide a lift for these hard working Americans.
I agree with our late U.S. Senator from Texas, Ralph Yarborough when he said, “Let’s put the jam on the lower shelf for the people.”
This increase will provide much needed help to the lowest wage earners of our country.  Their needs and dreams are not different than anyone else’s. 
These wage earners want to earn a decent wage and be able to put dinner on the table and provide for their families.
It is not too much to ask that we raise the minimum wage after a decade of taking no action on this important part of the American economy.
Passing this bill today is a step in the right direction and I urge my colleagues to vote in favor of this resolution and put the jam on the lower shelf.
I yield the balance of my time.


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