Congressman Bob Filner
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Congressman Bob Filner's
Congressional Update

 January 2006

In this Issue:

  • Hosting Town Hall Meetings: Veterans

  • Opening New Schools

  • Spot Light: Local's Students Interning in Washington

  • Crime Fighter of the Month

  • Citizens of the Month

  • Constituent Mail Bag

  • Useful Web Site

Hosting Town Hall Meetings: Veterans
This month I held two round table discussions in my district on veterans' healthcare. Over two hundred veterans attended.

The first meeting, held in Chula Vista, focused on long-term healthcare and brought together a panel of experts who spoke on the challenges facing the VA healthcare system and the veterans in it, as a growing number of veterans begin to need long-term care.

Nationwide, the number of veterans most in need of long-term care -- those 85 years old and older -- will jump from 640,000 to 1.3 million by 2012. That is only six years away! Lawmakers, like me, must ensure that the VA Healthcare System is able to meet this increased demand.

In the Imperial Valley, our discussion focused on the challenges of providing healthcare in a rural area. For veterans and their families who live in Imperial Valley, this is not a hypothetical discussion. The challenges are a reality that they live with each and every day.

It is no surprise that traveling is a real frustration for rural veterans, ill or elderly, seeking health care services. Rural veterans who use the VA for their health care represent 22% of these veterans who turn to the VA for their health care. This is about one in five VA health care users!

The only way I believe we can meet the challenges faced by our aging and rural veterans is to adequately fund the VA Healthcare System, which is why I support mandatory funding of veterans healthcare. Until we have mandatory funding, it is imperative that we in Congress come up with the funding needed for veterans healthcare!

     Congressman Filner visits with two veteran's at his town hall meeting

Visit My Veterans Page

Opening New Schools!
On Friday, January 20, I attended the grand opening for the Veterans Elementary School in Chula Vista. Located in the Otay Ranch area, this new school is dedicated to the veterans who have fought and sacrificed for our country. I was honored to march in the grand opening parade with several active and retired service members, along with students who were eagerly anticipating the opening of their new school facilities.

As our area continues to experience an economic boom, the need for new school facilities rises.  Veterans Elementary was built in less than a year and is Chula Vista's 43rd school!  The district plans to break ground on the 44th site this June.

Veterans will be welcomed as volunteers at the school, where they will read to classes and participate in school wide assemblies.  Students will also have opportunities to visit  veterans retirement homes on a regular basis.


Congressman Filner marches along side veterans and the children who will benefit from this new facility

Spot Light: Local's Students Interning in Washington
Every semester, I am delighted to have the opportunity to host interns in my Washington D.C. and district offices.  These interns are usually college aged students looking for hands-on experience and insight into how our government operates.

In December, Erin Bala, completed a three-month internship in my Washington D.C. office.  A third year student at San Diego State University and a native of San Diego, Erin was a part of the Panetta Institute, which places interns across Washington D.C. and helps them gain real-world experience in government relations.

Interns in both my Washington and District Offices learn how I serve our community by assisting me and my staff while we fulfill the needs of the 51st District.  If you would like more information on interning in any of my offices, please contact me at (619) 422-5963. 

 Fall 2005 Intern Erin Bala and Congressman Filner

Crime Fighter of the Month
This month I am proud to name the Border Puppy Task Force as January's Crimefighters of the Month. The Border Puppy Task Force is known throughout the South San Diego area for their efforts to fight crime and stop underage puppies from being smuggled across the border. Comprised of 14 California animal welfare and law enforcement agencies, the Task Force has been the focus of a number of headline news stories for their efforts to look into the epidemic of puppy smuggling.

Every year, thousands of puppies, many of them young breeds, are brought across the border. They are sold out of cars in shopping centers and parking lots. The economic incentive driving this phenomenon is the huge profits made by the Mexican breeders and middlemen who sell them. The breeders do not spend money on vaccinations and healthcare that is expected of American breeders.

Americans who buy these puppies think they are getting a great deal. However, many people are shocked and heartbroken when these dogs die within weeks of purchase or require extensive medical care. The dogs that are brought across the border are usually too young to be separated from their mothers and often infected with communicable diseases that are virtually unheard of in America.

The Border Puppy Task Forces leadership and efforts is truly inspirational. Their commitment to continue the fight against such inhumane treatment of mans best friend is highly commendable, and I am honored to present the team with this award.

Citizen of the Month
Imperial County
I am thrilled to name the Redneck Ribs Team and Javier Ramos as January's Citizens of the Month for their commitment and outstanding efforts to preserve the long tradition of the annual Holtville Rib Cook-Off-- an event that benefits the Holtville Athletic Clubs commitment to Imperial Valleys youth and sports.

The Redneck Ribs Team is a group of 40 dedicated volunteers who are committed to raising funds at the rib cook-off in Holtville. The team is headed by Bobby Turner who is a 25 year member of the Holtville Athletic Club and has helped organize 15 rib cook-off events. This team will generate in excess of $10,000 dollars in proceeds for this years charitable event.

Javier Ramos is a Holtville Athletic Club Member, Holtville High School Counselor, Holtville High School Athletic Director and liaison to Holtville High School Athletics. He has created programs with the Holtville Athletic Club to allow student athletes to contribute time and energy to fundraising efforts at the Rib Cook-Off.  This year, the Holtville Athletic Club celebrates its 46th anniversary. The club is a non-profit organization designed to benefit the regions youth and surrounding athletic organizations.

More than 15,000 pounds of ribs will be cooked on this day and the organizers expect approximately 20,000 people to attend. All proceeds go to benefit the regions athletic organizations like the high school football team, girls volleyball, Little League, soccer teams, and cheerleaders.

San Diego County
In May of 2005, I was privileged to name Cynthia White-Parks as my delegate to the White House Conference on Aging and this month I have selected her as January's Citizen of the Month."

Cynthia is a retired registered nurse from the San Diego VA Hospital. She is the founder of Metro AARP Chapter 4916 and served as its President from 1992 to 1998. Currently, Cynthia is serving as Vice President of this Chapter. Cynthia has been an active member of the community by serving as a member of the Fourth Council District Seniors Commission, San Diego County Aging & Independent Services, and of the Board of Directors of ARCs Arrow Center, serving developmentally challenged citizens. Most recently, the San Diego Metro AARP Chapter 4916 unanimously agreed to endorse and support Cynthia as a delegate to the 2005 White House Conference on Aging.

Ms. Parks committed service to the senior community exemplifies her as a model citizen. I only hope that other members of our community follow her example.


Constituent Mail Bag
From National City:
Dear Congressman Filner,
I am writing to request that you oppose S. 1932, the Budget Reconciliation Act, unless it is amended to prevent penalties to seniors.

Unless S. 1932 is amended, it will have serious affects on seniors who have few assets.

I sincerely hope you will vote no on S. 1932 unless it is amended to ensure seniors are not harmed.

Congressman Filner Replies:

Thank you for contacting me about Medicaid and Medicare.

I am extremely concerned with the Republican majority in Congress and their budget request (S. 1932) that calls for substantial cuts in Medicaid, while they seek to make permanent tax cuts for the wealthy. I will continue to oppose any budget legislation that includes cuts in  Medicaid and Medicare.

I appreciate hearing from you on this most important issue.

Contact My Office

Useful Website: Megan's Law--Know Your Community
The best way to protect your family is knowledge of your surroundings. The Megan's Law website is a list of registered sex offenders who live throughout California.  This is an important tool that gives you and your families the knowledge of who lives within your community.

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