In the News

Long-overdue Purple Heart Presented to Junior Logan
By Charles Johnson
Southern Standard
August 28, 2005

Rep. Lincoln Davis made a special visit to Warren County last week to present a number of medals to local resident and Korean War veteran Junior Logan.

Logan is one of a number of veterans Davis has helped to receive ribbons that, for one reason or another, had not been awarded even though the servicemen had earned the honors.

Davis says he feels strongly that battle veterans receive the recognition that is due them.

"I think the important thing is we recognize our veterans," Davis said. "When we fail to realize that the freedoms we enjoy today come directly from the sweat, and many times the blood-and the life- in some occasions, of those who give their all for the liberty we enjoy in this country. And for that reason, when a veteran comes to this office, we drop everything we're doping and make sure what they request, if it's doable, and we, as they say back home, get on the ball and make it happen."

"Our veterans mean a lot to us, so when I get an opportunity, as a congressman, and my staff gets an opportunity, to help with medals earned by those who are veterans, I kind of relish that. It gives me an opportunity to say thank you," Davis said, "but it also gives our nation an opportunity to say thank you."

Logan received the Purple Heart and three service medals in the presentation. Davis noted that presenting the Purple Heart to Logan had special meaning for him, since many of those are presented posthumously.

"We're very lucky today that the purple heart recipient that we're going to honor came back home," Davis said.

Logan, who was in the 1st Marine Division, 2nd Battalion, and still remembers his serial number, 1212541, said the presentation is very meaningful.

"I think everyone who has been in service ought to be recognized," Logan said he supports U.S. military efforts in Iraq, and has utmost respect for the soldiers from the 278th who are serving there.

"I feel like they should be there," Logan said,"and they should stay there until we can secure things and get it to where the Iraqis can take it over."