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In the News:

Member of Congress
24th District, Florida

Financial Services Committee
Judiciary Committee
Science Committee


Congress of the United States
House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

March 23, 2007
Contact:  Pepper Pennington

Gen. Pelosi's Bill Has Troops Tasting Defeat While Democrats Eat Pork

Legislation Jeopardizes the Safety of Troops


(Washington, D.C.) - U.S. Rep. Tom Feeney (R-Oviedo) today expressed his disappointment with the outcome of the Iraq war appropriations bill that passed the House this afternoon. 

"General Pelosi used pork projects to purchase members' votes for this irresponsible legislation.   Lawmakers should support the troops and their one Commander in Chief.  We do not need 535 commanders in chief micromanaging a war by opening America's purse strings to buy votes from members.

"It is the height of hypocrisy that emergency legislation dealing with funding for America's brave men and women overseas was approved by wasting money on member earmarks.  This irresponsible legislation undermines our Commander in Chief and his generals, ultimately jeopardizing the safety of our troops. 

"I'm appalled that Democrats chose to trade support for our troops in return for specialized pork earmarks for their districts," said Feeney. 

War hero and ex-POW Rep. Sam Johnson said, "Marines never quit, neither should we."

A list of pork projects that Democrats chose to fund and a list of equipment for our troops that Democrats cut is attached to this email.   



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