privacy policy


When you visit our site to read or download information we automatically collect and store only the following information:

  • The name of the domain from which you access the Internet (for example,, if you are connecting from an America Online account).

  • The date and time you access our site.

  • The Internet address of the web site from which you linked directly to our site or the Internet address of the computer used to link to our site.

This information is used for Site Management purposes. This government computer system uses software programs to create summary statistics using this information. These statistics are used for such purposes as assessing the number of visitors to the different sections of our site, what information is of most and least interest, determining technical design specifications, and identifying system performance or problem areas.



Web-Forms and email:

When you provide personal information via a web-form on our site or by sending an email, for example the e-newsletter sign up or tour request forms, the information your provide is used by the office for the purpose of completing your request and/or responding to you and maintained for official record keeping.  This information will not be made available to any commercial or political entity. 




By sending a link to a video to Congressman Fossella's office you hereby agree to allow the Congressman's office to re-produce your video, a segment of your video,  or a transcript of your video, and to identify you by name,  in  email, on the official website, or other official media as a part of providing a response to your question or comment or in promoting this communication service to constituents.  Our office will NOT expose any additional personally identifying information you provide, such as your email address, postal address, or phone number as a part of a public response or promotion.  The personal information you provide will NOT be provided to any commercial entity and will ONLY be used by the Congressman's Official Office to better communicate with you.



Offensive or Objectionable Material:

Anything sent to our office which contains offensive or objectionable language or material will be immediately discarded and no response will be provided.  Anything sent to the office deemed to be threatening to any individual will be immediately forwarded to the appropriate legal authorities.